Almost half a century ago, a remote village in the middle of a tropical rain forest starts witnessing a series of unexplainable events which they attribute to the supernatural. Vikrant Rona, An eccentric police officer, is assigned to solve the mystery. A mysterious game unfolds where everyone in the village is a potential victim and everyone is a suspect.fanproj , hindi af somali , mysomali,, fanproj play, fanprojplay, Streamnxt , fanproj Tv , Aflaamta , damody somali films,
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Tagline:The World of Phantom
Genre: Action, Fanproj, Fanproj films, Fanproj Movies, Fanprojplay, Fantasy, Hindi Af Somali, Mysomali, Saafifilms, Streamnxt, Thriller
Quality: 2022
Year: 2022
Duration: 147 Min
Director:Anup Bhandari
Asc asxbta filmanta mb4 kadhiga blease